Linville Falls

May 27, 2010

Gotta get back to the mountains. It has been a few weeks since I was last there. I am tired of watching the oil bomb that has exploded in the Gulf of Mexico. The area I called home for several years. The brown pelican was always my favorite bird or animal for that matter. Seeing those images of oil covered creatures is just heartbreaking. We can only hope the well will be closed off soon!
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May 19, 2010

Ken Salazar's head should be served up on a platter...Dept. of Interior, chief. Obama can't have it both ways...the political climate of drill baby drill, and the desire to be re-elected all contributed to this horrific environmental event...culminating into little over-site of the oil industry.

May 17, 2010

Time will tell

   Jeez, another cloudy and gloomy day   It seems my mood matches the weather.
OK, so I was not selected for another photo exhibition.  What  the hell do they know?  

Gotta, keep my chin up.

May 16, 2010

Wow, this bloggin' world is new to me...don't know what "facebook" rock I have been hiding under.  We had a bad thunderstorm roll thru last night...complete with some spectacular lightning.   I tried my hand at grabbing a pic or two but was not to successful;   the reason being:  I have a healthy fear of lightning!   But will keep trying. 

May 13, 2010

My first.

 I started taking pictures  to share with my mother and her husband;  all  the incredible scenery, I was viewing on my occasional excursions into wilderness of North Carolina.  They were unable to see or enjoy the splendor of the mountains, and the "viewing" rewards that comes from a strenuous hike.  A photographer was born. To be honest, I do have a background in TV not a totally foreign world.
    So, in the course of my travels around the area... I have had the pleasure of seeing  some of God's greatest creations.   With all the natural beauty surrounding me; I became an avid photographer.    By posting this blog -- I hope to share my pictures of North Carolina with whomever stops by.  And all that is posted here, is for sale.